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Generated model is empty

It looks like Pydantify could not find the entry point. Could it be that your model augments another model? You must use the main model and the path option to select the expected info. You can use pyang to visualize the tree.


In this example the "srl nokia ntp" model augment the "srl nokia system" model.

$ pyang -f tree -p srlinux-yang-models/ srlinux-yang-models/srlinux-yang-models/srl_nokia/models/system/srl_nokia-ntp.yang
srlinux-yang-models/srlinux-yang-models/srl_nokia/models/system/srl_nokia-ntp.yang:18: warning: imported module "srl_nokia-extensions" not used
module: srl_nokia-ntp

augment /srl-system:system:
   +--rw ntp!
   |  +--rw admin-state?        srl-comm:admin-state
   |  +--ro oper-state?         srl-comm:oper-state
   |  +--ro synchronized?       union
   |  +--rw network-instance    -> /srl_nokia-netinst:network-instance/name
   |  +--rw source-address?     srl-comm:ip-address
   |  +--rw server* [address]
   |     +--rw address            ntp-host
   |     +--rw iburst?            boolean
   |     +--rw prefer?            boolean
   |     +--ro stratum?           uint8
   |     +--ro jitter?            uint64
   |     +--ro offset?            uint64
   |     +--ro root-delay?        uint64
   |     +--ro root-dispersion?   uint64
   |     +--ro poll-interval?     uint32
   +--rw clock
      +--rw timezone?   srl-tz:tzdata-timezone

Using the "srl nokia system" model, the tree-path option can be used to only see the ntp part.

$ pyang -f tree -p srlinux-yang-models/ srlinux-yang-models/srlinux-yang-models/srl_nokia/models/system/srl_nokia-system.yang srlinux-yang-models/srlinux-yang-models/srl_nokia/models/system/srl_nokia-ntp.yang
srlinux-yang-models/srlinux-yang-models/srl_nokia/models/system/srl_nokia-ntp.yang:18: warning: imported module "srl_nokia-extensions" not used
module: srl_nokia-system
+--rw system
   +--rw srl_nokia-ntp:ntp!
      +--rw srl_nokia-ntp:admin-state?        srl-comm:admin-state
      +--ro srl_nokia-ntp:oper-state?         srl-comm:oper-state
      +--ro srl_nokia-ntp:synchronized?       union
      +--rw srl_nokia-ntp:network-instance    -> /srl_nokia-netinst:network-instance/name
      +--rw srl_nokia-ntp:source-address?     srl-comm:ip-address
      +--rw srl_nokia-ntp:server* [address]
         +--rw srl_nokia-ntp:address            ntp-host
         +--rw srl_nokia-ntp:iburst?            boolean
         +--rw srl_nokia-ntp:prefer?            boolean
         +--ro srl_nokia-ntp:stratum?           uint8
         +--ro srl_nokia-ntp:jitter?            uint64
         +--ro srl_nokia-ntp:offset?            uint64
         +--ro srl_nokia-ntp:root-delay?        uint64
         +--ro srl_nokia-ntp:root-dispersion?   uint64
         +--ro srl_nokia-ntp:poll-interval?     uint32

Pydantify is a pyang plugin and all options not relevant for pzdantify are passed to pyang.

$ pydantify --path=system/ntp srlinux-yang-models/srlinux-yang-models/srl_nokia/models/system/srl_nokia-system.yang srlinux-yang-models/srlinux-yang-models/srl_nokia/models/system/srl_nokia-ntp.yang -p srlinux-yang-models/

PydanticSerializationError object has no attribute 'root'

This error indicates that an object parameter is being set directly instead of using the RootModel object.


For this example, let's consider a simplified ServerListEntry object with an address attribute:

class ServerListEntry(BaseModel):
   List of NTP servers to use for system clock synchronization

   model_config = ConfigDict(
   address: Annotated[AddressLeaf, Field(None, alias='srl_nokia-ntp:address')]

The following code snippet is not working as expected because the address type is AddressLeaf, and directly assigning a string breaks the model validation:

from out import ServerListEntry
server = ServerListEntry()

To assign a value, an AddressLeaf object is needed:

from out import ServerListEntry, AddressLeaf
server = ServerListEntry()
server.address = AddressLeaf("")

When creating an instance of the ServerListEntry object, the string can be passed directly to the constructor because AddressLeaf is a RootModel object:

from out import ServerListEntry
server = ServerListEntry(address="")

PydanticSerializationError 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'root'

This error occurs when optional RootModel attributes are set to None and need to be excluded when dumping the model.


When dumping a model, the default values should be excluded using the exclude_defaults=True option:

model.model_dump_json(exclude_defaults=True, by_alias=True, indent=2)

By setting exclude_defaults=True, any attributes with default values of None will be excluded from the dumped model. This helps avoid the 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'root' error.