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Welcome to pydantify

A prototype CLI tool to transform YANG models into Pydantic datastructures that can be initialized with config values and serialized into RESTCONF payloads.



pydantify -i ./models_dir -o ./output_dir -t interfaces/ethernet model.yang

Transforms the /interfaces/ethernet node and its children (located in model.yang) into a Python script located in ./output_dir. Imports of definitions found in ./models_dir are included if relevant to the specified model and node.

Command syntax:

pydantify [-h] [-v] [-V] [-S] [-i INPUT_DIR] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-t TRIM_PATH] input_file

positional arguments:
  input_file            The YANG file containing the entrypoint to the model to evaluate.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Enables debug output
  -V, --include-verification
                        Adds validation code, as well as the relevant YANG files, to the output model.
  -S, --standalone      Generated output model has no dependency on Pydantify.
                        All required code is copied into the output model.
  -i INPUT_DIR, --input-dir INPUT_DIR, --path INPUT_DIR
                        The directory that contains the YANG input model.
                        Defaults to the input file's folder.
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        The directory that should be used to store the output model. Defaults to "$CWD/out".
  -f OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        The name of the output file. Defaults to "".
  -t TRIM_PATH, --trim-path TRIM_PATH
                        Get only the specified branch of the whole tree.
  -j, --json-schema     Output JSON schema instead of Pydantic models.
  -d, --data-type {config,state}
                        Limit output to config or state only. Default is config and state combined.

NOTE: All unknown arguments will be passed to Pyang as-is and without guarantees.